1. What types of bags do you buy and sell?
We deal in a variety of bags including handbags, backpacks, totes, clutches, and more. We accept both new and gently used bags. However, we do not deal in counterfeit or replica items.
2. How do I sell my bag?
To sell your bag, simply upload clear photos, provide details such as the condition, brand, and any additional accessories (e.g., dust bags, authenticity cards). We will review the information and offer you a price within 48 hours.
3. How do I get paid for selling my bag?
Once your bag is sold, we will notify you and process payment via your preferred payment method (e.g., PayPal, bank transfer). Payment is usually processed within 5 business days.
4. Can I return a bag after purchase?
Yes, we offer a 14-day return policy for items in their original condition. Please ensure the item has not been used and is returned with any original packaging or accessories.
5. How are the bags authenticated?
We have a team of experts who carefully inspect each bag to ensure its authenticity before listing it for sale. We take authenticity very seriously, and every item goes through a rigorous review process.
6. What condition are the bags in?
We sell bags in various conditions, from brand new to gently used. Each bag listing will include a detailed description of its condition, so you know exactly what you’re buying.
7. How do I know if a bag is still available?
All available bags are listed on our website. If a bag is no longer available, it will either be removed from the site or marked as “sold.”
8. Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we ship worldwide. Shipping costs and delivery times vary depending on your location, and you will see the calculated costs at checkout.
9. How long does shipping take?
Shipping times depend on your location. Typically, domestic orders take 3-7 business days, while international orders may take 7-14 business days.
10. What if I receive a damaged or incorrect item?
If you receive an item that is damaged or not as described, please contact us within 48 hours of receiving the item. We will assist you with a return or exchange.